Dayn - Wire-Connected
First 3 days get 5USD off with the code DAYNBECOOL
This is only the male avatar! Get the female by Icy when she is out >here<!
Small thing with the metal on the ears is fixed!
>Avatar Showcase by Skadi here!<
>Toggle Showcase here!<
You'll need:
- latest VCC ! SDK is included!
- Poiyomi Toon 8.1.163
- DPS V1_31 (NOT included)
- Avatar package (last to import)
Dayn's Features:
- dissolve toggles for coat, belts, top, hoodie, pants, boots, mask
- simple toggles for armwarmers, glasses, smooth glasses up, halo, wiggly bone for the halo, horns, smooth boxers toggle
- body toggles: human/elf ears, fox ears, tails, gages, hair switch from mohawk to ponytail
- clothes colour options: black and white smooth decal toggles for everything, smooth decal toggle for camo for hoodie, top, pants, belts
- colour radials: eye hue, clothing hue, body details hue, hair hue, camo hue
- smooth metal silver/gold switch
- gesture controlled karambit
- ingame-controllable rifle
- a fire weenie!!! (pp radial from flaccid to erect, balls size, pp size)
- audiolinked emissions
- Post Processing! Adjust your avatar brightness for each world!
- WetCats Locomotion fix with more masculin animations for deski peeps!
- 5 different facial gestures
- fancy version (DPS, rifle), a non DPS (but NSFW)/with rifle version, a lite (non-DPS, but NSFW, and rifle) and an opti!
- comes with scene and prefab
- DO NOT claim as yours
- DO NOT make it public or ripp, leak or share it in any way!!!
- DO NOT resell
- DO NOT pricesplit
- DO NOT take parts of my scratch stuff!!! I will release some assets for sale later on.
- DO NOT take other parts without buying the original from the creators themselves! Shoplinks are in the credits!
YOU CAN NOT use my scratch assets from this avatar for any purposes!
I will release some assets later on.
I am NOT responsible for you uploading NSFW content!
Coat, top, armwarmers, boots, glasses, ponytail, mohawk, fox ears, all jewelry, nipples, fingernails, karambit, split tongue (mapped to head texture) and all the textures to it are made from scratch by me in Blender and Substance Painter.
Icons and eye texture are handdrawn by me.
Icons are handdrawn by me aswell!
Do not reuse any of the assets above! I will release some assets later on.
You are not allowed to reuse my selfmade body and face texture! It was made by me in Substance Painter and I have commercial rights on everything I used.
Base: Rhoda's M_410 (edited, DO NOT REUSE!)
Head: ZinPia's Mike head (edited, DO NOT REUSE!)
Weenie: Scarlett's Hotdog
DPS: Raliv
Rifle and simple Blink: Cam, Blink, Hunting Rifle (retextured by me, DO NOT REUSE!)
Pants and Belt combination: Lestery and KC (both remapped, rerigged, retextured and made fit together, DO NOT REUSE!)
Visulizer Mask: Lestery (remapped, retextured, DO NOT REUSE!)
Sweater: друг (Retextured, DO NOT REUSE!)
Tails: FormulaRats
Cry More: axphy
Eye textures: YingYangVR
Halo and Horns: tomtomas (edited, remapped, rigged, DO NOT REUSE!)
Locomotion fix and animations: WetCat#6969, AlcTrap/ Alc#0002, Dj Lukis.LT#4639, INYO#9404 and Gireison#0001
Controller Editor: Dreadrith
SPECIAL THANKS to blurryvision for being a very patient teacher! <3
THANKS to skadivr for the showcase (she back!!!)!
And thanks to Razgriz for helping me with fitting settings for the hair!
If you have any questions, just hit me up on Discord! <3
Dayn Unity package